Who We Are

Srigaj Security Intelligence Pvt.Ltd. is a India's leading security organisation with its corporate Headquarter at Patna (Bihar) in a 2000 sqft stateof-the-art facility housing 100 well trained, experienced security professionals. With the excellent existence in Bihar and with its commitment to be a Total Quality Service Provider, Srigaj Security Intelligence Pvt.Ltd. is a pioneer and leader in providing best security services to corporate, diplomatic missions, government organisations, industrial clients and educational institutions.

Our Services

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Srigaj Security Intelligence Pvt.Ltd. the leader in developing Total Quality Management for guarding & Intelligence services. Srigaj Security Intelligence Pvt.Ltd. have vast experience, capabilities and leadership in developing and strictly adhering to the highest quality standards in the security industry, makes the Group the most viable service provider for all security needs across the India.


Srigaj Security Intelligence Pvt.Ltd. SECURITY MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY

* To thoroughly understand the customer's requirement

* Be totally dedicated to accomplish the mission

* Provide all resources necessary to accomplish the mission

* Recruit staff with the best potential

* Train and motivate supervisors

* Build leaders and teams

* Train and retrain policy

* Use positive motivation

* Promote from within the employees


In order to provide the best service to its customers, the Company has developed a concept of 24 hours Control Room located in all its regional, branch and head ofces. To respond to emergencies Mobile Quick Reaction Teams are available at the disposal of the control room.

Trained controller is put in each control room whose job is to receive messages, analyse them and inform the right person. This acts as a one point communication and command centre, after the regular ofce hours. This certainly gives support to the operations team and works as a 'Nerve Centre' for a response organization.


During the early stage of the group's development it was realized that no one can work in a vacuum and without close management input, encouragement and stimulation, security staff cannot function effectively. Therefore, in order to provide quality service, we give a lot of importance to in depth and active on-the-ground supervision. In this regard, a strong operations team comprising of managers, inspectors and patrolling supervisors carry out checks on all our assignments and guards on a 24 hrs daily routine basis.


As a result of our firm's commitment to Total Quality Management, our business and various operations processes has been streamlined and standardized.


Teams and Professional staff


Years of Industrial Experience




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